Create a smarter, trendier home with the right smart devices

We live in an incredible era where we learn about gadgets and technology that benefit us so much, but we had no idea we even needed to them. As innovators continue to create new gadgets and applications that seek to improve the quality of our lives, our list of technology ‘essentials’ grows.

Smart Homes looks at a few smart home products, devices and applications that are popular to ‘zazz’ up your home in 2015.

Wireless Internet

It goes without saying that our current generation expects to have access to a Wi-Fi connection within the home. Whether the Internet will be used for work, entertainment, communication, your central command automation control or socializing, the Wi-Fi router will be the heart of your smart home development.

Aromatherapy diffuser

Fancy coming home to the smell of flowers? Or perhaps you would like to opt for an ocean breeze? Or you would like to return home to the scent of vanilla in the air. Alternatively, you may want to use it to kill any germs that are in the air. You can achieve this with an aromatherapy diffuser and you can configure the device to be controlled from your smart device, or you can automate the diffuser to release scents throughout the day

Keep plants fresh with automated sprinkling systems

You can keep your plants within and outside your home by configuring sprinkler systems to keep your plants healthy and green. Research the best oscillating sprinkler system options that are available and find out how they can be configured and automated from your smart device.

Wireless home security

Improve your home security with automation controls. From installing automation locks to configuring smart passwords, lighting and alarm systems that are synchronized to alert your phone or smart mobile device. These can be relatively inexpensive to set up and turn your home into a ‘theft-free zone’.

Automated cooking systems

How would you feel if you could automate your home cooking? There are options with smart slow cookers that can automate the cooking for you from your smart device. Additionally, there are also items such as coffee machines and even oven controls.

Refrigerators that tell you what is stored and what to groceries need to be replenished

All too often, people have their food expire or they forget to pick something up from the supermarket. Some of the smart fridges that are available will monitor the expiration dates on your perishable foods and will also advise you on what to pick up from the supermarket by sending a list to your phone!

Smart temperature controls

Manage the thermostat of your home from your mobile device. There are a range of thermostat products and applications that you can invest in, that will help with maintaining the ideal temperature within your home. You can even go a step further and automate your home installations in line with the thermostat temperature that you would like inside your home. This includes automating curtains, shutters, windows, air conditioning and heating systems.

Smoke detectors

You can automate your smoke and carbon monoxide systems to send alerts to your mobile devices, in case something goes wrong and you’re not home.

Opening the garage doors

The function of having an automatic garage door opener can be extended to your mobile device. Should you have an IPhone, you can control it via an application or Siri, adding a touch of voice control to your home automation.

Indoor and outdoor audio control.

Fancy creating your desired ambiance through the power of audio? Customise your home with speakers and configure audio settings to develop your own theatre or musical ambiance.

These are just a few ideas for how you can use new smart devices to create a smarter home and to improve your overall experience at home.