DIY & Crafts

Craft With Egg Box – Perfect Ideas to Get Inspired!

There are several ways to use crafts to create new items for your home and other special occasions. But sustainable crafts, which work with recycling materials that would normally be thrown in the trash, are becoming more and more popular and encouraging people to rethink how they relate to packaging and materials that would generally go straight to the trash.

Not only that: everyone can create something completely new with these materials! Today we are going to talk about crafts with an egg box!

In today’s post, we separated 6 ideas and some step-by-step to show you that the egg boxes with their unique shape can turn into a multitude of items and that it can be super fun and stimulating for creativity to work with them!



Planting in eggshells is also a great way to take advantage of materials that would be discarded and still nourish your plants. When the plants reach their maximum growth point inside the bark, transplant to a larger pot and use the bark to strengthen your soil! Like? take a look at this walkthrough.

2. Material Craft Box
3.Form vases for different plants in the cavities of the boxes
4. Cones for super cute ice creams



We know that Christmas ornaments are those that are kept for at least 10 months in a closet or dark room. To better accommodate them until next Christmas, how about recycling boxes and giving it a new function?



For a celebration related to Easter, the egg cartons have an even more fun meaning and are perfect as packaging for souvenirs.