7 Amazing Bathroom Ideas for Your First Home

Buying your first home is an exciting time. Not only do you get the security of owning a property, but you also get all the fun of being able to decorate it any way you’d like to. Of course, owning your first home is not just about fun; it’s also about experimenting with different designs and styles. As one of the most important rooms in the home, the bathroom is often a good place to start.

1.     Blank Palette

Starting with a blank palette is a great idea for first-time home owners. You may find that you end up changing your mind several times about how you’d like your home to look, so neutral colours are always a good idea. Think whites, creams and pale colours – anything you can paint over easily.

2.     New Tiles

If your bathroom tiles look a little shabby, don’t just settle with just giving them a scrub – invest a little in some brand new bathroom tiles and you’ll find that your bathroom instantly looks sparkly and new. If you’re not sure what you want, consider ordering free tile samples online.

3.     Jazz up Your Linen

Whether you start with a blank colour palette or not, you can add a little drama into any bathroom with funky, colourful bathroom linen. Purchase same-colour towels for a uniform look, or mix and match for a more eclectic effect.

4.     Consider a Wet Room

Wet rooms are a great choice for people with small homes, as you don’t need the extra space for a self-contained shower or bath. Utilise matching wall and floor tiles for that instant wow factor.

5.     Consider the Future

People buying their first home are usually thinking about the future and this often includes the possibility of bringing children into the world. If your new bathroom might play host to kids someday, take this into account when decorating. Fun colours might be more appreciated than monochrome.

6.     Replace Your Flooring

Depending on how old your new home is, you may wish to consider replacing your bathroom flooring. This is better to do sooner, rather than later, in case there is any underlying damp.

7.     Eco-Friendly Boilers

While not an interior design idea, replacing your boiler with an eco-friendly model is a great idea for new home owners. Although it might set you back a little in the beginning, you’ll ultimately find that you end up saving plenty of money on bills.