
6 Simple Skincare Upgrades That Will Change Your Life

Taking excellent care of your skin should be a priority year-round. We all know in the summer season we need to put on the SPF when we’re pool or beach-bound, and most of us know we should be putting SPF on our face every day no matter where we’re going – even if we’re staying at home. But how many of us know the importance of wearing SPF through the fall and winter months as well? Further, how many know that you need to switch up your skincare products as the seasons change? Taking excellent care of your skin is an investment that will always pay off in spades. Let’s look at some simple skincare upgrades you can make today to start seeing a return on your investment.

Injectables and Fillers

Why not start with the big guns? While it used to be true that Botox was a privilege service, it’s now become super mainstream. When you look at your friends, you see them as “aging gracefully,” most of them have a few tricks up their sleeves. Sure, countless anti-aging products can deliver results, but they take a lot of time and commitment. Not only that, you have to be diligent – applying every single night or morning. So, one easy way to upgrade your skin’s appearance is taking care of those fine lines and wrinkles in an instant with injectables like Botox. For deeper lines, you may have to go the route of filler. But, unlike Botox, where you pay by the unit, you have to purchase your entire vial of filler. Meaning, you may have plenty of it leftover to up your pouty lip or put in your cheeks. The choice is yours!

Visit A Dermatologist

This may seem like a no-brainer to many people, but there are still many that don’t prioritize their skin health the same as they do the rest of their body. It’s a good idea to visit a dermatologist for any major skin concerns like rashes or moles changing appearance. But, it’s equally a great idea to get a general idea of your skin type and issues. Dermatologists can prescribe topical and oral medications to help you with any issues you may want to be addressed.

Incorporate Collagen Into Your Day

Collagen is a building block to our skin’s beauty. This critical supplement is easily added into coffees and smoothies in a tasteless powder form and can give your skin not only a radiant, youthful boost but also stave off fine lines and wrinkles. Bonus – it helps with inflammation in your body, especially if you have joint pain!

Over The Counter Products That Work

You can easily spend a small fortune at your local pharmacy or any retailer on over-the-counter products that never deliver for you. If you’ve met with a dermatologist and know your skin type and issues that need fixing but aren’t ready to start on prescription products – ask for their OTC recommendations! Nailing down what cleanser, toner, and moisturizer work best for you can go a long way in changing your skin’s tone and texture. Once you find the products that work for you, stick with them!

Never, Ever Sleep With Makeup On

Like a lot of people, your schedule is likely busy and sometimes feels chaotic. Sometimes the last thing you feel like doing before climbing into bed is removing the makeup you wore that day. However, every time you sleep with makeup on, you’re just clogging your pores, leading to a host of issues. Not to mention, you also make your eyelashes prone to breakage and shortening sleeping in your mascara. No matter how tired you are, prioritize taking your makeup off every single night before your head hits the pillow!


Saving the easiest (and best) for last is the simple act of making sure you’re staying hydrated! Your skin is your body’s largest organ, and needs that precious water the same way the rest of your organs do. When you properly hydrate your skin, you’re giving it a leg up on all the toxins you come into contact with every day. So, make sure you’re drinking at least eight glasses of water a day. You can also hydrate with nourishing herbal teas specifically geared towards skin health.

Like everything in life, your skin is an investment that you choose to acknowledge or neglect every day. Make sure you’re putting your best effort into taking care of the skin you’re in. Skin is a marker of good health, and health is wealth. So, here’s to you! Now, get glowing!