
5 Tips for a Romantic Valentine’s Day at Home

Going out for Valentine’s Day gets a lot of hype. However, restaurant reservations are a bit harder to come by in today’s era, and you might not want to head out in a crowd, anyway.

Why not plan a more exclusive evening with that someone special? Here are five tips for a romantic Valentine’s Day at home.

1. Plan the Menu

Valentine’s Day means plenty of champagne if you and your sweetheart indulge. The best part? Celebrating at home means popping a bottle of your favorite bubbly without worrying about a potential DUI. You can feel good about making the responsible choice.

You’ll want to go no-holds-barred with your meal selection, but that doesn’t necessarily mean slaving over the stove for hours. For example, steamed lobster makes an elegant main course with little more than a simple salad as an accompaniment.

If you’re more carnivorous, the same rule applies to steak. If you prefer to keep things cruelty-free, this vegan risotto with asparagus and mushroom comes together in less than an hour.

2. Set the Mood

Part of the restaurant experience is the ambiance — so recreate it at home! Start by putting on some soothing tunes. You can’t go wrong with one of these classics on your playlist:

  • “Bed of Roses” – Bon Jovi
  • “Soulmate” – Lizzo
  • “Dreaming of You” – Selena
  • “These Arms of Mine” – Otis Redding
  • “Maybe I’m Amazed” – Paul McCartney

The lighting also matters. Candles are a classic choice, although you might want to avoid paraffin wax if you’re sensitive. Soy wax burns cleaner with fewer toxins. Electric candles provide yet another alternative.

Don’t forget the fragrance — or the flowers. What better way to surprise your love with a bouquet than to have the vase awaiting them for an instant centerpiece?

3. Play 36 Questions

You’ve heard of 20 questions. Could playing a slightly more adult version of this question deepen your love? According to research, mutual vulnerability fosters closeness, something that you can prompt by asking your partner 36 questions.

The questions start simple, such as, “Do you ever rehearse a telephone conversation before you make it?” They then advance to more weighty matters, like asking your partner for advice on a problem you face.

4. Swap a Sensual Massage

Massage is a glorious way to ease any aches and pains you and your partner might have from the day. It might also engage your love language. If you and your partner treasure physical touch above all else, include this on your Valentine’s Day at-home menu.

You don’t have to spend a fortune on fancy oils. Coconut oil makes a perfect carrier base — a few drops of your favorite fragrant essential oil will do the rest. You can add a touch of arnica to further soothe any aches and pains.

5. Dive Into a Decadent Dessert and a Movie

After exploring each other’s mental and physical worlds, it’s time to snuggle in for a romantic film. It’s also the perfect time to serve the dessert course. You can make a decadent flourless chocolate cake that’s both keto- and paleo-friendly if you and your love are determined not to break your new year’s diet resolutions.

What should you watch? If your favorite genre runs to anime or fantasy, feel free to explore the flick that brought the two of you together. Otherwise, any of these romantic comedy classics should fit the bill:

  • “When Harry Met Sally”
  • “Better Off Dead”
  • “Something’s Gotta Give”
  • “Breakfast at Tiffany’s”
  • “The Princess Bride”
  • “Four Weddings and a Funeral”

Your Romantic Valentine’s Day at Home

Going out for Valentine’s Day is overrated. It’s pricey, and you have to battle crowds. Instead, plan a more intimate evening with these five tips for a romantic Valentine’s Day at home.