
5 Things To Know When You Start Surfing

Learning the surfing sport might look like a very overwhelming commitment. However, like other sports, you just need to give it alot of time and effort and you can ace the game. In this article, we will talk about the 5 important things about surfing that you must be aware of as a newbie surfer.

1. The Ethics of Surfing

Like every other sport, surfing too has certain ethics that you must abide by. These are called surf etiquettes. These rules aren’t as such stated anywhere but are more like guidelines that must be followed to keep everyone in the water safe and happy.

The most important rule is that the surfer closes to the wave has the right to ride the wave. This means that if you are catching a wave on the right-hand side of its peak and a surfer to the left of you intends to catch the same wave, this surfer is more entitled to ride the wave and you must get out of their way.

Avoid dropping in on the wave. This implies that you must not take off on the same wave in front of the other surfer. This is not only annoying but dangerous. The best way to avoid any accidents is to communicate your movements out loud. It allows for other surfers to have sufficient time to get out of your way or decide if they want to catch the wave in the opposite direction.

2. Beach Scouting is Essential

The first step to ensure a safe surfing experience is to choose the location wisely. If you are a beginner, always choose a beach that is less crowded and has steady waves. For this, you need to do alot of research about the beach condition.

Several websites give real-time updates about the beach condition. For more insights, you can consult some local surfers who can also provide you with some additional first-hand information.

The reason beach scouting is essential is that if you start surfing on a very crowded beach where there are plenty of surfers already, you may not be able to get good opportunities for riding. In addition to that, as a beginner, it is best to choose only those beaches that have steady waves. You can keep the rough ones for a later thrill.

3. Right Board: Right Surf

Equipment plays a very prominent part in any sport, more so in surfing where not only your performance but safety also depends on it. The board must be carefully analysed for the right volume and rocker. Rocker refers to the curve of a surfboard from its nose to its tail.

For beginners, it is important to choose a surfer board with less rocker or flat surfboards. They provide stability with the width and thickness. The flat surfboards help you to paddle with speed making it easy for you to catch more waves.

For volume, pick the board with a big volume. A large volume reduces the chances of you slipping off. In addition to that, it is important that you choose a board with a soft top to prevent injuries when you slip or fall. For more information on the same, check out this article by Ombe

4. Leash Up

Safety should be the priority in an adventurous sport such as surfing. However cool the surfs without leash look, it is important for you as a beginner to keep your safety first.

Also, ensure that your surfer board has a safety leash attached to it before starting out. It prevents your board from colliding with other surfers and helps you to catch more waves when you’re not always swimming after your board.

The right way to leash up is to attach it to your back foot with the leash rope pointing outwards, away from your ankle. If it is pointing in any other direction, there are more chances of the rope getting tangled.

5. A Good Teacher Can Help You Ace the Game

Last, but not least, to master the game it is imperative to have an experienced teacher to guide you through. A professional surfer can not necessarily be a good teacher. Therefore, lookout for someone who can make you learn the sport well.

You can look for an expert coach online or can ask around in your social circle. It is better to go with the coach that an acquaintance can vouch for.

What Else?

Like any other novel skill, surfing also requires ample time and a lot of patience. Owing to its complexities it can take longer than other sports, but the time and efforts will all be worth it!