
5 Smart Ways to Hide Electrical Wiring in Your Home

Most people welcome the latest technology into their homes but don’t really want the clutter of wires, cords and cables that go with it.

Cords and cables snaking across the floor really don’t add anything to a home’s decor. Most homes are not designed to hide wiring and it’s not something you want to put up with on a long-term basis.

These days, most of us have more hi-tech equipment in the home environment than ever before. This means more cables and cords and more opportunities to fall over them and pull them out accidentally.

Fortunately, there are ways to avoid turning your living areas into a spaghetti junction of cords and cables. All you need is some creativity, a few organisers from a hardware store, and a basic plan.

While it’s satisfying to avoid cable clutter, make sure you put safety first. When using these or other methods to hide cords and cables, turn off the appliance(s) in question

1. Try Cable Channels for TV Connections

Wall-mounting your TV is a great look for the lounge room, family room or any other space where you’ve got a television screen. The only downside is that TVs have a power cord and other connections that will hang from it.

The simplest method to avoid that look is to conceal multiple cords inside a wall cable channel that runs from your TV down to the outlet or connection. It can be cut to fit whatever length you require and painted to blend into the wall or decor of the room.

Even if the various cords eventually go in different directions they will be hidden behind a stand or cabinet.

2. Use Skirting Board Covers

These covers fit along the wall and these are great for hiding cords and wires under. Like the wall channel, you can paint these covers any colour you want to suit your home’s decor.

These are attached to skirting boards so they’re near the floor and can easily hide behind furniture and go around corners, if necessary. The cover will protect the cord itself from wear and tear, and will also prevent small children and pets from potential accidents.

3. Put It All in a Basket

A very simple way to hide a tangle of cords is to put various items in an open-weave basket with a power board (or power strip). Plug the various items – such as a modem, a router or even a mobile phone – into the power board and put them in the basket.

The power board can still be easily connected to a powerpoint through the open-weave basket, but the clutter of cords and components are hidden.

4. Benefits of Cord Covers

Cord covers work a lot like skirting board covers. They are made specifically to hide cables and can be stapled to the base of your walls so that cords and cables are completely out of your way.

These can cover any cords that might potentially trip someone up. Once again, they come in a range of colours and lengths and can even be painted to match your home’s decor.

5. Cable Sleeves for Multiple Cords

These are similar to cord covers except that they hold and conceal more than one cord. They have a circular design and can not only make the floor look neater, but there’s no chance of cords getting tangled.

While a thick cable sleeve might draw some attention to itself, it is still much neater and safer. If you’ve got pets, it will also protect multiple cords from being chewed.

These are handy if you have a big tangle of cords behind your television, particularly if you’re running multiple components (such as a Foxtel or Telstra box, a gaming box, a disc player or extra amplification).

To Sum It Up

By using these straightforward methods you can declutter various areas of your home that can get to be a tangle of cords and cables. Just remember you’re working with electricity, so always play it safe and turn off or unplug any devices and appliances you work with.