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3 Feng Shui Tips For Your Bedroom

One of the most important rooms in anyone’s home is the bedroom. At the end of the day, it is where you take your well-deserved sleep. So making sure that it’s clean and comfortable is extremely important. The positioning of your home appliances and decors matter more than you think. You will be able to maximize the space in your room, and because of that, you will feel more relaxed and comfortable. And when you feel relaxed and comfortable, you will have a better quality of sleep every single night. Feng Shui, an ancient Chinese practice of placing your belongings in a certain way to balance the energy, will help you achieve this.

Here are 3 feng shui tips for your bedroom.

1. Put your bed in commanding position.

What does it mean to put your bed in commanding position? In Feng Shui, it means that your bed should be placed diagonally further from the door but not in line with it. This way, you will be able to see the door while you are in bed but you are not in line with it. This commanding position will place you in a command position which will make you feel safer. When you feel safer and in control of your own bedroom, you have a better quality of sleep every single night. Moreover, this will allow equal positioning of your stuff in both sides of the room which creates more balance.

2. Decorate your room with relaxing colors.

Colors can make a huge difference in any area. Try to incorporate relaxing colors in your room decor. One of the easiest ways of doing this is by adding feng shui plants in your bedroom. Plants can instantly make a room’s ambiance a lot calmer and cool. Not only do they make a great decoration, but they also make the air quality of your room a lot better. This is because they absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen. Moreover, plants are natural items that are good for the eyes. It’s soothing and helps you feel good and have a good vibe around you. You’ll have a good source of energy to get from even when you are inside your bedroom.

3. Keep underneath your bed tidy and clean.

A clutter-free area will instantly make you feel comfortable inside your own room. This is one important feng shui tip that you should do in your bedroom. It is believed that the energy of the stuff you keep beneath your bed can transfer to you. You don’t want any additional energy to be transferred to you so you will have peace and not chaos. So make sure that underneath your bed is clutter-free and clean. Avoid putting shoes, books, and boxes underneath your bed. Put them in their designated places as they have active energy and you can potentially absorb them subconsciously. However, if you have to store something beneath your bed, limit it as much as possible and only put soft items like pillows and linens.