DIY & Crafts

15 Great DIY Candle Making and Decorating Tutorials

If you want to set the mood, light a candle. Whatever mood you’re going for, be it cozy, romantic, relaxing, or calming, a flickering candlelight will help set the scene. Luckily for you, there are also many different kinds of candles that can help you convey the right message. Making your own candles is always a rewarding process. Whether you’re making them for decor or aroma, it’s satisfying to know that the pretty glow in the room was your own doing.  

Cinnamon Stick Decorated Candle

via craftaholicsanonymous

Seashell Candles

via runningwithsisters

Easy Glitter Candles

via twosisterscrafting

Jem Stone Candles

via pinterest

Painted Candle Centerpiece

via notsoaveragemama

Faux Flowers and Ribbon Decorated Candle

via revista-atelierul

Epic Ice Candle

via spoonful

Doctor Who Printed Candles

via ariella42

Easy Personalized Candles

via kylzaskorner

Gold Glitter Candles

via crazzycraft

Christmas Candle Decorating

via christmas.snydle

Washi Tape Candle

via titicrafty

Vintage Decorated Candle Ideas

via industrystandarddesign