Food & Drinks

15 Delicious Easter Bread Recipes (Part 2)

It just isn’t an Easter feast without fresh-made bread on the table. Rich with tradition, symbolism, and treasured ingredients, Easter breads figure prominently in many cultures’ celebrations. From Russia to Spain, these yeast-risen breads are full of eggs, butter, sugar, fruits, nuts, and spices – a small reward following the period of Lent leading up to Easter Sunday.

Simple Easter Bread

Pane Di Pasqua

Simple Easter Bread

Crescia al Formaggio

Easy Pane Di Pasqua

Mini Cupcake Size Paska Kulich

Braided Easter Egg Bread

Italian Easter Egg Baskets

Individual Italian Easter Breads

Easy Easter Bread

Easy Paska Bread

Pane Di Pasqua

Adorable Bunny Rolls

Slovak Paska Recipe

Russian Easter Bread